In order to finance your property, you have the possibility to go through a bank loan, we work with leading financial partners on the Algerian market in terms of mortgage loans, we will take care of the filing and follow-up of your file, and we will accompany you throughout your steps.

Our funding partners :

  • CNEP Bank (National Savings and Provident Fund-Bank) : national leader in terms of mortgage loans to individuals with a standard interest rate of 6,5%, and preferential rates within the framework of agreements such as : 4% for MDN and 4,45% for the DGSN.
  • BNA (Algerian National Bank) : One of the first Algerian national banks cumulating more than 50 years of experience in the banking sector, the BNA offers real estate loans to individuals with a standard rate of :
    6.25% for non-savers.
    5.75% for holders of a savings account (minimum of three months of existence),
  • It also offers a preferential rate of 4.45% granted within the framework of an agreement signed in particular with : AIR ALGERIA, TASSILI AIR LINES, SONATRACH, MOBILIS and ALGERIA TELECOM….etc

Download credit application forms :

You can also use your own financial partner, we will do our best to make the process easier for you by providing you with the necessary documents for your credit application.